JUSTIN BIEBER CUPCAKES (it was only a matter of time. At least these ones were for my god daughter - near and dear to my heart). These were coconut with cream cheese icing and purple cookies & cream.
BABY ANIMAL BABY SHOWER CUPCAKES in pale spring colours. Cute!
A different baby shower order - just one cupcake to represent the bunch. A little teddy bear in footie p.j.'s :)
And this was a birthday cake for twins whose parents wanted a boy and a girl beluga whale. We tried to do a bit of a "north pole tableau" complete with ice floes, a baby polar bear and penguin. I hastily snapped a picture before it had to hit the road so the picture doesn't showcase the cake very well but here it is, regardless. The cake was red velvet with cream cheese and buttercream icing. Decorations made from rice cereal treats and gum paste.
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